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Insert new module and paste below code.
In short, this function will turn off ScreenUpdating, DisplayAlerts, EnableEvents, Calculation
before executing the code and when TurnOnSpeed is set to False it will turn back on.
Please remember that if you are using this code too along with some your code that does the cell / Excel calculation you can instruct your code to calculate cell/range/ application using below codes.
Execute calculation for from VBA
Usage Example
If you have any questions/feedback/tutorial request, please you can email me directly vbaa2z.team@gmail.com or comment on YouTube Video (blog comments are not actively monitored).
Support our channel: youtube.com/vbaa2z
Insert new module and paste below code.
Refer to Usage Example on how to use the code.
Public PriorCalcMode As Variant
Public Function TurnOnSpeed(x As Boolean)
'Thanks for downloading the code.
'Please visit our channel for a quick explainer on how to use this code.
'Feel free to update the code as per your need and also share with your friends.
'Download free codes from http://vbaa2z.blogspot.com
'Support our channel: youtube.com/vbaa2z
'Author: L Pamai (vbaa2z.team@gmail.com)
If x = True Then
With Application
PriorCalcMode = Application.Calculation
.ScreenUpdating = False
.DisplayAlerts = False
.EnableEvents = False
.Cursor = xlWait
.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
End With
ElseIf x = False Then
With Application
.ScreenUpdating = True
.DisplayAlerts = True
.EnableEvents = True
.StatusBar = False
.Cursor = xlDefault
.Calculation = PriorCalcMode
End With
End If
End Function
In short, this function will turn off ScreenUpdating, DisplayAlerts, EnableEvents, Calculation
before executing the code and when TurnOnSpeed is set to False it will turn back on.
Please remember that if you are using this code too along with some your code that does the cell / Excel calculation you can instruct your code to calculate cell/range/ application using below codes.
Execute calculation for from VBA
'application level (all workbook)
'sheet level (only specified sheet
'ForceFullCalculation All
'If you can ensure that any dependencies within a block of formulas always refer backward to cells to the left or above, the Range.CalculateRowMajorOrder can be the fastest calculation method in Excel on a single processor system.
'Calculate All
'ctrl + alt + f9
'ctrl + shift + alt + f9
Usage Example
Sub YourMacro()
'your declarations
'place this line "TurnOnSpeed True" before your macro execution starts
TurnOnSpeed True
'this is where all your codes / scripts will reside
'place this line "TurnOnSpeed False" where your macro execution ends
TurnOnSpeed False
Exit Sub
'place this line "TurnOnSpeed False" where your macro execution ends / exit the code due to error / for error handlers
TurnOnSpeed False
End Sub