
Extract or Retrieve System or Network IP (Internet Protocol) Addresses using VBA

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Use the below code to extract/retrieve System or Network Ip addresses using VBA.
Paste the code in the module.
SysIPAddress function is a master function to connect WMI service and return IP address from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration. Please comment below if you need any assistance.

Subroutine tst_SysIPAddress is used to test the main code. If you run this code it will print all your ip addresses in your immediate window. Have fun!

Option Explicit
Function SysIPAddress() As Variant

'Thanks for downloading the code. 
'Please visit our channel for a quick explainer on this code.
'Feel free to update the code as per your need and also share with your friends.
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'Autor: L Pamai (

Dim WMI_service As Variant
Dim myIP_Adptr As Variant
Dim IPConfiguration As Variant
Dim IPAddress As Variant
Dim XipAdd As String
Dim k() As Variant
Dim f As Byte

'setup WMI service
Set WMI_service = GetObject("winmgmts:" & "{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" & "." & "\root\cimv2")

'setup TCP/IP-enabled network adapters
Set myIP_Adptr = WMI_service.ExecQuery("SELECT * FROM Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration Where IPEnabled=TRUE")

'loop and get all IP addresses associated with myIP_Adptr
For Each IPConfiguration In myIP_Adptr
    IPAddress = IPConfiguration.IPAddress
    If Not IsNull(IPAddress) Then
        f = f + 1
        ReDim Preserve k(1 To f)
        k(f) = IPAddress
    End If

SysIPAddress = k()

'free memory;
Set WMI_service = Nothing
Set myIP_Adptr = Nothing

End Function

Sub tst_SysIPAddress()
Dim ArrMem() As Variant
Dim i As Byte
ArrMem = SysIPAddress()

    For i = 0 To UBound(ArrMem)
        Debug.Print ArrMem(1)(i)

End Sub

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