Convert tab color for example from 24704 to RGB Code R=128 ,G= 96 ,B= 0
Option Explicit
Sub tabRGB()
Dim j As Worksheet
Set j = ActiveSheet
Dim f As Variant
f = ConvertCode2RGB(j.Tab.Color)
Debug.Print j.Tab.Color
Debug.Print f(1)
Debug.Print f(2)
Debug.Print f(3)
Set j = Nothing
End Sub
Function ConvertCode2RGB(colorNo) As Variant
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'Autor: L Pamai (
Dim xR As Long, xG As Long, xB As Long
Dim k(1 To 3) As Variant
xR = colorNo Mod 256
xG = colorNo \ 256 Mod 256
xB = colorNo \ 65536 Mod 256
k(1) = xR
k(2) = xG
k(3) = xB
ConvertCode2RGB = k()
End Function
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